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EMOTIONAL Success=> increased connectivity
As collective Emotional success raises => increased productivity



How does it work?

Theory driven practice offered on individual and/or company-wide scale to improve the overall functioning of your business. Simply put, we:




INCREASE SELF AWARENESS (of systems and individuals)






I would be happy to share my plans to increase the Emotional Success of your employees--and to raise your productivity.


Here are the basics, and then I build the specifics around each client. Because you are unique and so are your areas of growth.



  • Full day workshops/ seminars (1 day minimum)

    • Tailored to your outcomes based on an initial assessment

    • I come to you - it is better to meet employees in their environment (can be via zoom)

  • Short or longer term in-house consultation related to employee environment/workplace culture, increasing connections among organizational structures etc.

  • Presentations/ Author Talks

  • C-Suite Consultation

    • Building a Conducive Workplace Culture

    • Strategic Planning

    • Relationship enhancement 


Pre and post consultation assessments consistently show real-time results and lasting ROI.


I can help you and your team


Prepare (for transitions, challenges, growth, etc)


Change (improve the connectivity of one person or the entire company)


Grow (move towards greater empathy, productivity, and greatest potential)


1. BEGIN with Unconscious Bias Awareness/ Training

2. LEARN more about how to navigate the diversity of the world around you

3. GROW as a person through workshops/ experiences aimed at raising awareness and improving connection through knowledge




1. CONSIDER where you are located in the cultures of your work and home life

2. OPEN yourself to your strengths and areas of growth related to your own diversity, levels of empathy, and desire for authentic connection with others

3. LEARN what your style of approaching diverse people and ideas may be, and how to improve your productivity through greater ability to deeply connect.


I ask people to reach beyond themselves to find a deeper way to connect. It works and connections and productivity improve. 


1. What is the empathy level of your company? Do employees feel heard/ important?

2. Is diversity a priority that is felt within your company? Do you tend to a Culture of Diversity?
3. How can you grow empathy within individuals and thus the greater organization?


Increasing understanding and interpersonal communication increases cultural competency and improves morale. When morale improves - productivity soars.

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